The Legislative Policy Committee (LPC) provides the general legislative policy guidance to league staff. Every city and town can elect three voting members from their mayor, council members, or senior staff (or four, if that city is also represented on the ULCT board). All are welcome to participate in our meetings.
The LPC meets weekly during the legislative session on Capitol Hill to evaluate bills and work with the League’s Board of Directors and staff to determine official ULCT positions on legislation. The LPC takes positions on legislation by a 60% consensus vote.
If you would like to update your municipality’s LPC roster, please contact Cassidy Hansen.
Participation and Attendance in meetings is crucial to the committee’s success. Committee members must be ready, willing and able to attend weekly meetings during the Legislative Session and monthly meetings during the Interim. Although there is no minimum attendance requirement, attendance is taken at meetings and is a factor in reappointments. Perhaps more importantly, committee members frequently vote on various issues of concern. Because proxies cannot vote for members, those who do not attend meetings will not have an opportunity to vote on issues.
We recognize that not all issues discussed by the Policy Committee will have an impact on your municipality; however, it is important to be supportive of those with a vested interest in the issues and assist in dealing with them. Much of the League’s success in dealing with the myriad of municipal issues can be attributed to the willingness of Policy Committee members to work together – even if some issues did not affect your city or town right now. After all, as future issues arise, they may affect your community and not others.
The ULCT Legislative Policy Committee exists in large part to foster good working relationships with legislators by keeping them informed of municipal issues. For this reason, those seeking appointment to the committee must be willing to attend meetings and communicate information to their legislators on a regular basis. Please plan on meeting with and/or talking to your legislators not only during the session, but also during the Interim. Communication with legislators can be accomplished through a variety of means, such as phone calls, personal meetings or invitations for legislators to meet with members’ city councils.
While we don’t expect committee members to know everything about every single legislative and League issue, we do ask that they do their homework on discussion issues. Information is frequently distributed with meeting agendas (especially during the session). Committee members are expected to study the information prior to the meeting, if possible. This helps the committee to make informed decisions. In addition, members should – when necessary – collect data on issues from their individual cities and discuss that information with the committee.
Legislative Policy Committee members are an important link in the League’s legislative process. Members must be willing to contact other members, municipal officials, state and local agency representatives and, most of all, legislators.
We admit that at times, it is easier to sit back, enjoy lunch, listen to the discussion (or nap) and then head back to the office after the meeting. However, we ask that committee members join in the discussion – especially when the issue affects their community – and share any information that will help the committee make informed decisions.
The following list is a summary of bylaw provisions. The complete LPC bylaws can be viewed here. Please contact League staff if you need additional information regarding the committee.
1. Membership
2. Procedures
3. Quorum requirements, bill consideration, and voting
4. Remote voting provisions